Saturday, March 17, 2012

For you Anita - Running for my cousins' kids

It has been a month since I completed my 2nd 100 mile race, the Rocky Road 100 mile Endurance Race in California.

I can honestly say that I am still so proud of that run. I made the mistake of running the first 50 miles too fast and I paid for it the second part of the race but I was able to finish the race in 26 hours and 18 minutes. I had started writing about the race but the news of my cousin Anita's health took over my thoughts and prayers.

See Anita was barely 38 years young when she passed away last week Sunday March 11th, 2012 from cancer. She was a single mother of two beautiful girls Daniella and Mariana.

It's so hard for me to write about it because I loved my cousin very much. What consumes my mind and heart rigt now is to think about her daughters who are 6 and 13 years old. I know that my Aunt Cristina and my Cousin Miguel will take care of the girls and they will do everything in their power to ensure that they have what they need. We all know that nothing will ever replace the love and support from their Mother and that just breaks my heart. I don't have words to write more in detail how special Anita was but trust me when I tell you that she was loved by a ton of people.

My cousin Ana didn't have life insurance, she was a hard working mother who did everything in her power to provide for her girls. I want to try and help at least initially by creating this collection for her daughters.

I ask you to please consider making a donation or a pledge per mile for the two little girls. I will be running several races:

03/18/12 March Madness Half Marathon 13.1 miles (followed by another 13.1 after a 10 minute break)

03/31/12 Chicago Lakefront 50K (31 miles)

04/22/12 Earth Day 50K (31 miles)

05/18/12 Ice Age 50 Miler

Any donation as small or big will be very much appreciated. I am putting $200.00 to start what I hope will be a much needed help for the girls. I am not going to tell you that a have a goal. My goal is to help with my heart and my legs. I know that I have very special friends all over the country and I am confident that those who can, will help. I know we are living during a tough economic time and please remember that if you can't help financially, your prayers are also appreciated.

I don't have a web site where I can direct you to make a donation so you are going to have to trust me and write checks to my name and in the memo section, I would appreciate if you can put " to Dani and Mariana ".

My address is:

Juan Juarez
3710 Rolling Hills Rd
Carpentersville, IL 60110

I will keep everyone updated with the amount that we have collected from now until my last race which is Ice Age 50. I can promise you for my two daughters that every cent that you send for the girls will be going to Anita's girls. I am still trying to see if there is a way to create a credit card link where people would be able to donate, I know that would probably make things much easier. Please let me know, if you would like to pledge per mile or just an amount. You can e-mail me at or you can call me at 773-909-9606.

I know that God is great and I know that he will be watching over Dani and Mariana. Please help me keep them in your prayers and I can assure you that I am also going to be making a difference in their lives in some way, shape or form from now until they are able to take care of themselves.

Your friend,

Juanito aka The Machine Juarez

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rocky Road 100 Mile Endurance Race

Happy New Year my friends...

Rocky Road 100 will be my first race of the year. February, 2012 marks the one year anniversary of completing my first and only 100 until now. Last year I ran Iron Horse 100 in Florida with a time of 25 hours and 39 minutes.

Well, here I am one year later ready to do it again. The difference this time is the experience I have from having a great 2011. I feel stronger now that I have ever felt since I started running Ultras in March of 2010. I am looking forward to having a great race God willing. On top of that I am going to have an all Super Ultra stars crew/pacers on my side, Oswaldo Lopez and Jorge Pacheco. They are both Badwater 135 mile race champions and they have also won many ultras over the years. Talk about pressure, great pressure to run a good race...

Picture with Oswaldo at Badwater:

Picture of the great Jorge Pacheco and Oswaldo Lopez in Badwater:

My training is going great, this is my last week with high mileage and after Sunday, I will start tapering for Rocky 100 on February 18th. I really would like to thank Oswaldo Lopez who has become my coach and he has advice me since December on my training...

I would also like to thank, the company I work for ChicagoMicro. They are sponsoring my race and travel to California. It is great to work for a company that cares and supports its employees. Thank you Julian and Jennifer Pretto.

A special thanks to my wife and daughters who support everything I do. To all my friends who in one way or another have helped me to get ready and to my bff Anastasia, who is always there for me... This is going to be EPIC and I can't wait to take on this challenge... Thanks to all the running clubs, Chugs, Nlurs and Mudds.

In a few words my friends " LET'S GO MACHINE BABY..."