Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Welcome to my new personal blog

I want to thank you personally if you are reading my new post. This means I have made enough noise to make you take a peak at my new blog. I am fairly new to blogging so I hope that I won't bored you to death with my writing... I am very good at socializing in person (let's party), but I can tell you that I am not the best writer, not even in my own house...

The main reason why I have decided to do this blog is to keep you all informed of my charity work. This year (2010), along with my friend Anastasia, we decided to run 3 races (26.2, 31 and 50 mile races within 70 days) for the Algonquin/Lake in the Hills Food Pantry. We were able to collect $1420.00 for the food pantry. Obviously, we wouldn't have been able to do it without the genorosity of our friends and family. For those of you who know me, you know that I love running with a passion. Running Ultra Marathons have created an even gibber love for the sport of long distance running for me.

I am utilizing my running as a way to give back to my community. Many great people have utilized their talents and monies to help other countries, to help other bigger International charities. I have decided that we also have a responsibility to help our sorrounding communities. Places like my town Carpentersville, adjecent towns like Algonquin, Lake in the Hills, Dundee, Elgin... All these towns also have many families that are struggling to pay their mortgage, pay the rent, buy groceries or even have a winter jacket for the winter season. This is why I have decided to help local charities. Charities like the Algonquin/LITH Food pantry, the Carpentersville Food pantry, the Boys and Girls local Club. I know I can make a difference in my community and that's one of the reason why I am part of the Carpentersville Rotary Club.

I invite you to read my blog, find out what crazy races I am doing. More importantly, I invite you to help our community if you can. Please make a donation to the charity that I am working on and I promise you that I will leave my soul and body in every 50 and 100 mile race that I run and that I complete. My company Solstice Technology Solutions ( is also a contributor to these charities. I have heard many times that one man can't change the world, but many of us that care and love others, with the help of God can and will make a difference...

Thank you,

Juan "the machine" Juarez

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